Annie: 2 Of Hearts

When I first heard Annie was doing a Richard X-produced cover of “2 Of Hearts,” I figured it would be amazing.

Now that the track is available for all to hear, I have deduced that the track is in fact, uh-mazing.

It’s a properly jazzed-up edition of the Stacey Q original. By that, I mean “jazzy” as used by the older generation, meaning showy and flashy. It is also quite a gay little number. Here, I use the term in the modern sense. It is indeed homosexual.

Have I mentioned that “2 Of Hearts” is nearly a work of perfection?

The fact remains that the track will not be found on the tracklisting of Don’t Stop. Annie’s “people” said that the track doesn’t fit the general feel of the album. Having heard the album already, I can confirm that it doesn’t, though I never really understood the problem with “fitting” on albums.

While a song may be sonically dissimilar from the rest of the album, does that fact discredit its value? Should it not still see the light of day? “Long Hot Summer” was surely an ill fitting choice for Chemistry, but wasn’t that still a brilliant album? And isn’t it still a major pop injustice that “State Of Grace” was left off of Britney‘s Blackout?

Yes and yes. Case closed. Listen to “2 Of Hearts” as much as possible, and maybe they shall reconsider.

DL (Right click – save as): Annie – 2 Of Hearts

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